All care
has been given to present this pattern in the original form.
is not responsible for errors.
Crochet has been long known, but it has only become a favorite with the
fair votaries of the needle, during the last few years. It is very
difficult to describe, though easy of execution, and can be applied to a
variety of useful and ornamental purposes. It is most frequently adopted
in working shawls, table covers, pillows, mats, slippers, carriage mats,
and a great variety of other things of elegance and utility. Silk,
cotton, and wool, are employed, and the work is so easy, that a moderate
share of attention to details, will make an expert workman.
Stitches.—These are called plain single crochet, plain double crochet,
plain stitch open crochet, and open crochet, with a variety of stitches.
It is not easy to describe the manner of working crochet stitch, though
it is easy of execution: perhaps the following will be found tolerably
correct. Take a skein of wool, and having wound it, make a loop at one
end, like the first link in a chain; through this draw another, and so
on, until the chain is of the length required. Each must be made rather
tight as it is drawn through its preceding loop. This forms the
foundation, and the young worker may then proceed with the article she
intends to make. She must pass the needle through the last loop of the[143]
foundation, and catching the silk or other material from behind, draw it
through and so proceed with every succeeding loop of the foundation,
until the row is completed. Having thus formed the first row, she must
proceed as before to form a second, and so on from right to left, and
from left to right, until she has all the rows required. This is the
most effectual way we know of for the learner to pursue and she will
find that her work is the same on both sides, producing raised and
depressed rows in alternate succession. In working she must not
generally work backward and forward, but must finish each row
Plain Crochet.—Make only one loop in each stitch. In making common
purses in crochet, this is the stitch generally employed.
Plain Double Crochet.—Keep two loops on the needle before finishing the
stitch. This stitch is more generally in use than any of the others
Plain Stitch Open Crochet.—This stitch is done in the following manner.
To the last link of the foundation chain, crochet five stitches, which
must be again crocheted in the fifth stitch of the chain. This is to be
repeated to the foundation. The rest of the rows are to be done in the
same way, attaching every fifth stitch to the centre one of each loop in
the row preceding. This looks extremely well for purses, and it can be
varied by employing two or more colors as taste or fancy may direct.
Open Crochet.—This stitch is difficult to describe; an attention to the
following rules will, we hope, enable the reader to understand it. First
make a chain of the length required for the foundation; then work one
stitch plain, and bring the material round the needle, which must be
passed through the first loop of the chain, through which bring the
material, and you will thus have three stitches on[144] the needle. Through
the two first of these the material must be drawn, which will leave two;
through these the material must be again drawn, and that will leave one,
through which you are to make one stitch plain, as at the commencement.
You then put the material over the needle, and through the fourth link
of the chain, and proceed as before. You will thus have one plain stitch
between each two double ones, which will leave an open space.
Double Open Crochet.—This is a similar stitch, only the single stitch
is omitted, and the two long stitches are made together, by passing the
needle through the next loop without making a stitch. Thus you will have
two long stitches and one open stitch in succession.
Treble Open Crochet.—This is exactly like the last, only making three
long stitches, instead of two, before every plain stitch. It looks neat
and elegant, and may have beads introduced, which produce a charming
effect. The following directions will enable the novice to work with
beads with freedom and accuracy. Thread the beads on a strong silk, and
pass one on to the middle stitch of each of the three long ones.
This will, of course, place a bead in the centre of each square. Beads
of various colors may be introduced, so as to form a diamond. A gold or
polished steel one should form the centre of each diamond.
Double Stitch Crochet.—To work this you have only to take both meshes
of the chain, instead of one, as in common crochet.
Plain Stitch Elastic Crochet.—Work backward and forwards, first taking
one mesh of the chain, and then the other. The upper mesh must be taken
[145]Bead Stitch.—If you wish to work with beads, you must thread all you
intend to use, before you begin to work. Then when you wish to insert a
bead, no matter what the pattern is you are executing, you have only to
pass a bead down to the last stitch you have worked, and to fasten it on
by working the stitch as usual; but this will leave it on the wrong
side; to prevent which, you must bring the crocheting thread to the
front, having it on the fore finger of the left hand: by thus keeping
the bead in front, and inserting the needle from the back of the stitch
you are about to work, you can draw the thread through the back, and
make the finishing loop in the common way: you will then find that the
bead is on the right side.
Edge Stitch.—To work this stitch you are to draw a loop through the
first stitch on the row, or on the round, if you work in rounds, then
draw a second loop through the one last made. Thus the edge stitch is
formed. It is of importance to attend to the regular working of this
stitch, because if it is not done, you will lose in each row a stitch.
On a round, it is not necessary to work the edge stitch; but when the
work has to be turned to work round the contrary way, the edge stitch is
A Raised Stitch.—Make this by passing the needle through, both meshes
of the chain, and working two stitches instead of one, in the same space
or hole.
To increase or decrease a Stitch.—In the former case, make two stitches
in the mesh; and in the latter, take two stitches together as one, or
miss one.
True Stitch.—This means to keep the stitches exactly over each other,
when working in different colors, so as to conceal the half stitch.
This must be done with care: and the more attention is paid to it, the
more beautiful will the work appear.
[146]To fasten on or off.—The former is done by laying the two ends of the
material contrary wise, and working a few stitches with both. The latter
process is performed by drawing the material through the last stitch,
which must be fastened at the back.
A Dividing Line.—The most general form is that of working two stitches
up and down alternately, between the stripes in the groundings; but it
can be varied according to taste.
What is called making a stitch, at the beginning and end of a row, means
making one stitch of a chain before the first and after the last, which
new stitches are to be crocheted in the succeeding row.
To Carry on a Thread in Double Crochet.—It is a very common thing to
work a pattern in crochet, in more than one color; when this is the
case, it is necessary that the colors, not required, should be so
managed, as not to make loops, or stitches, at the back. To accomplish
this, they must be worked in the following manner. Let the threads, that
are not required, be laid along the fore finger of the left hand; and
the crochet needle must be inserted in the usual manner, into the
stitch; you are to let it go below the threads you are carrying on, and
the thread with which you are working is to be drawn at the back,
through the stitch, into which you inserted the needle or hook. Make the
finishing loop as usual, which you carry over the threads, and pull
through the two loops you have upon the needle. Thus you will make one
stitch, and the process is to be repeated as often as your work requires
Joining the Threads.—In order that threads may be united neatly and
properly, observe the following directions. Do not work up the thread
quite to the end, but leave a small portion; then, on the fore finger of
the left hand, by the end of the thread[147] you are about to commence
working with, the end to be toward the tip of the finger, the ball will
of course be toward the arm; work over it for about six stitches,
proceeding as you do in carrying over the threads; then by the thread
you worked with, but on the same finger, and continue with the thread
you have last fastened on, and work over it, in the same manner, for
about six stitches. The ends are then to be cut, and you work on as
usual, with the thread just joined. This is the best method we know, of
making the work appear neat, and, at the same time, of securing the
required degree of fineness.
To Increase a Stitch in Crochet.—The process by which this is done, is
as follows. First, make the stitch as usual, then work it again from the
hinder or back part of the stitch. This prevents a hole, which would
otherwise occur.
To take in a Stitch.—To do this, two stitches are taken on the needle
at the same time, and you work them off as one.
We have given the fullest explanation of the various stitches in
crochet, that our limited space will allow; and we hope that the
directions are so plain that no one will be at a loss to comprehend
their meaning. But we cannot promise any votary of this delightful
employment, even tolerable success, unless she will assiduously apply
her own mind to the various directions. “No one can become an expert
needlewoman, who does not think, and think deeply, too.[148]”
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