All care
has been given to present this pattern in the original form.
is not responsible for errors.
A Biroche.—The stitch is very simple. You bring the wool forward, slip
one, and knit two together. This elegant cushion is made up of sixteen
narrow rows, and sixteen broad stripes, which decrease gradually toward
the centre. It may be made in double German wool, or other material,
with No. 19 ivory or wooden pins. Cast on ninety stitches, and knit two
turns; then in gold color three turns, and again two in black: this
forms the narrow stripe. Then form the broad stripe thus: knit two
stitches, and turn; then knit two of the black, and turn; this must be
continued, taking every time two additional stitches of the black, until
you are within two stitches of the top, and then turn. You will now find
the wool has descended to the wide part of the stripe. You then again
commence a narrow stripe, and so go on, until the whole is completed.
When the last wide stripe is finished, knit it to the first narrow
stripe, and make up the biroche in any manner you please.
A Baby’s Cap.—Cast on 240 stitches, on three pins; knit twelve rounds,
and be sure you pearl every alternate stitch: in the succeeding round
you must pearl the stitches which were left plain in the preceding ones.
Then take in eighty stitches, namely;[112] one at every fourth, which will
form a full border; then proceed to knit the cap thus: one row plain,
the next open, then three plain, and twenty-four double knitting; again
knit three rows plain, one open, repeat the three plain rows, again
repeat the double knitting, and the plain and open rows as before; you
next proceed to form the hinder part of the cap, by casting on
twenty-four stitches at each end of the pins; knit forty-eight rows of
double knitting, take in to the size of the crown, and knit three rows
plain, one open, and repeat the three plain rows; then fasten off at
top, unite the open space at the back, and repeat the plain and open
rows as before. You form the crown, by casting on sixteen loops; then
increase a loop at each end, for sixteen rows; then knit sixteen, and
decrease as you increased, and thus the circle becomes regularly formed.
Baby’s Hood.—Use No. 18 needles, and double German wool; cast on fifty
stitches, and knit eighty rows plain; roll up sixty, to form the front.
Three inches of the cast off part are to be sewed together, and the rest
is to be drawn up for the crown. Then cast on fifty stitches to form the
foundation of the hood, and knit forty rows plain. Line with white silk,
and trim with satin ribbon.
Baby’s Shoe.—Work with two colors, in stripes. You cast on twenty-eight
stitches, in blue, and knit one row plain; then knit a plain row in
white, adding one stitch at the end to form the heel, and turn; then a
similar row in blue, to increase and turn, repeat this without
increasing, and changing the colors each time, until you have ten
stripes. Then knit one row in blue, and turn, casting off seventeen
stitches. You begin from the heel. The remaining thirteen stitches are
knitted with white; turn; knit a row with blue; turn: and so continue,
until you have five rows of[113] one color, and four of the other. The
thirteen stitches are then to be done in blue, and seventeen to
correspond, are to be added; turn: this side is finished like the other,
decreasing from the heel. You then sew up the heel and toe, so as to
form a shoe. You are then, with four needles, to pick up the stitches
round the ankle and fore foot, putting an equal number upon each of the
three needles, and knit five rows plain; make a stitch by bringing the
wool forward, then slip one; knit the next two, and pass the slip-stitch
over them; again bring the wool forward, and repeat the process for one
round: knit eighteen rows, five plain, four pearled; repeat and finish,
bringing the wool forward, knitting two together; then knit two rows
plain, and cast off. You must use No. 14 needles, and double German
A Beautiful Fringe and Border.—This can be applied to a variety of
useful purposes. It is executed as follows. The number of stitches must
be even, and of any depth you deem desirable. Begin, by making a stitch,
laying the material over the needle; put it through two loops, and knit
them as one; repeat to the end of the row; thus continue to knit as many
rows as you please, and when the stripe is of sufficient length, fasten
off, letting from four to ten stitches fall off the needle to unravel
for the fringe.
A Comforter.—On a moderate sized pin, cast on forty stitches; and in
knitting, carry the wool twice round the pin for each stitch. The
comforter is to be done in double knitting, and may be finished with a
fringe and border at the end. Without the fringe, you will require a
quarter of a pound of six-thread untwisted lamb’s wool; for the fringe a
little more will be required.
Another Comforter.—You are to cast on thirty stitches, and knit plain
sixty-four ribs, knitting them backwards and forwards;[114] then take
twenty-two stitches from the middle of the side, and you will have
twenty-one left one each end. Form a chest-piece, by knitting as before,
twenty-two ribs, and fasten off: you have only to sew up the end, and it
is done.
Zephyr.—This is a light shawl for a baby, and may be made either of a
half-handkerchief form, or a square. Cast on about 130 loops, and knit
in French or honey-comb stitch, which you like; or any other pretty
pattern you prefer, as embossed hexagon, &c. You may add a fringe and
border, which gives to the zephyr a rich and finished appearance.
An Over-shoe.—These are useful to wear in the house, or to slip over a
satin shoe, when occasion requires. The number of stitches to be cast on
is thirty-four. Knit a square, plain, which is to be doubled, and sewn
up on one side, to the heel; then sew up three inches for the instep,
and form the toe by puckering in the end.
A Knitted Muff, in imitation of Sable.—You cast on seventy or eighty
stitches. Knit the first three rows plain; then, for the fourth row,
bring the wool forward, and taking two stitches at the back, knit them;
repeat to the end: these four must be repeated, until the piece is about
half a yard long, taking care that the shading is as correct as
possible. You must here use No. 19 needles, and double German wool. The
shades required are four, and you begin with the lightest, proceeding to
the darkest, and then reversing them. The muff must be stuffed, and
lined with silk.
A Strong Knitted Purse.—Any number of stitches, that can be divided by
three, will do. First and third row: The wool is to be brought forward,
then slip one, knit two, and pass over them the slip stitch; repeat
second and fourth row plain. Third and fifth row: knit two, before
commencing the pattern; the holes[115] will then fall in a diagonal
direction: It will require to be well stretched.
Barege Knitting, for Shawls.—In this kind of work, you commence with
any number of stitches you require: and, after knitting one row plain,
you begin the second, by knitting three stitches; then, bring the wool
forward, and knit three together, taking them off at the back; again you
bring the wool forward, and knit three, as before. The third row is
pearled; and the fourth is the second repeated, only beginning by
knitting three stitches together. Fifth row, the same as the third; and
thus proceed with any number of rows you choose. You may introduce any
patterns in flowers, &c., you may desire, by breaking off the ground
color, and fastening on that which is designed for the pattern, by means
of a slip knot, made at the end of the wool. All flowers, &c., must be
done in plain knitting.
Checked Patterns.—Any number of stitches may be cast on, that can be
divided by six. Then knit the first three rows three pearl stitches, and
three plain; second three rows, knit three stitches plain, and three
pearl. This pattern may be worked for children’s socks, bags, mats, (if
done in coarse materials,) &c.
Close Stitch, for a Waistcoat.—This is to be done in two colors, and
cast on any odd number of stitches. First and fifth row, with one color;
knit one, and slip one, in succession. Second and sixth row, with the
same color; knit one, bring the wool forward, and slip one; pass the
wool back, knit one, repeat. The third is the first reversed, and the
fourth is worked exactly as the second, omitting the first stitch.
Pine Apple Purse.—The material is purse twist, and you will require two
colors; one skein of green, and one and a half of orange. Cast on 159
stitches, and proceed as follows. Knit the[116] first row, and turn it, then
knit two rows, and again turn. To have ten points you must narrow and
widen alternately every seven stitches. Proceed in this way with the
green twist for fifteen rounds; then with the orange knit one plain row
and turn, knit seven rows as before, knit one plain row and turn, then
reverse the narrowings, so as to take up the loops at the beginning of
every row of points, and make a loop on each side: you are to have eight
rows of points. You make no loops in the second row, but having counted
when you have finished the points, you seam in the first row of green
and reverse the narrowings without taking up the loops, proceed to knit
twelve rows; after which, you must narrow until you have but four loops
on each pin, then knit the stalks, and narrow off.
Star, with Eight Points.—This is proper for the bottom of a bag or
purse. In working it, proceed according to the following directions. You
work with five needles, on each of four of which you cast on two
stitches, eight in whole, knit one plain round. Then, first row, raise,
knit one, raise, knit one, and put on one bead at every knitted loop.
Second row, you knit a plain round. Third row, raise, knit two plain,
raise, two plain; the raising is at the beginning and middle of each
needle; and you thus proceed, until you have fifty beads on a needle,
for a bag, and eighteen for a purse. To take off the points, proceed as
follows: first row, raise one, knit one, raise one, slip one off needle
as in knitting, knit one, and draw the one not knitted over it; knit
plain, and put on beads until you come to the middle of the needle; thus
proceed with each pin, and the star will be completed.
Knee Caps.—You commence with casting on eleven loops, and knitting
eight rounds; then begin to raise every alternate round until you have
forty-seven loops on the pins, knit eleven rounds[117] plain, and then
narrow until you have reduced the loops to eleven. Take off.
Knitting Footing.—The material is fine cotton, and you cast eleven
stitches. Knit one row plain. Second row, knit one, make one, knit two
together, knit three plain, make one, knit two together knit three
plain. Third row, is the second row reversed; the fourth is the same as
the second; and you thus proceed with each row, alternately, for any
length you please. A bag knitted the same way, and put over blue or
crimson silk, looks extremely handsome. The material for a bag is fine
worsted, and you may cast on any number of stitches that can be divided
by eleven, taking care to have one additional stitch for each
twenty-two; that is, for four elevens, cast on forty-six.
Double Nightcap.—You will find five needles are required. You must cast
on two stitches on each of four needles, and in the first row increase
two, and in the second one plain stitch in each. In the third row, the
centre stitch on each needle must be seamed, and you must increase on
each side of it every other row, until you have attained the width
required. You then knit the fourth and every succeeding row plain, until
the cap is of a sufficient length, say twenty-four to twenty-eight
inches, then decrease the first row, and make the other end to
correspond with the one first knitted.
Dotted Knitting, for Baby’s Shoes, &c.—Cast on and knit as many rows as
you desire, knitting one stitch plain, and the next pearled. Begin every
other row with a pearled stitch. An odd number of stitches are required,
and No. 8 needles.
Knitted Fringe.—This may be made of any material deemed most suitable
for the purposes to which it is to be applied. Cast on eight stitches.
First knit two, then make one by bringing the[118] cotton round the needle,
and knitting it when it occurs in the next row; then knit two stitches
together, knit one, make one as before, knit two together, knit eight,
and so proceed to the end of the row. When you have knitted as many rows
as you require, cast off five stitches and leave three, to be
unravelled, for the fringe. They may be knitted in two or more colors,
taking care to knit them in equal spaces; that is, with an equal number
of stitches in each color.
Gentleman’s Travelling Cap.—You first cast on an even number of
stitches, and thus proceed; the first row is plain; then slip off the
first stitch in each row, and make one, by bringing the material in
front; then slip a stitch the contrary way, knit the next, and so
proceed to the end of the row: you commence the next by slipping a
stitch as before; then knit two stitches together to the last, which is
to be knitted plain: repeat these rows alternately.
Herring-bone Purse.—The number of stitches must be so as to be divided
by four. The silk is to be brought forward, then slip one, knit one, and
bring the slip stitch over it. Knit one, again bring the silk forward,
pearl one, and so repeat. This purse should be knitted with second sized
netting silk, No. 13.
Half Handkerchief.—This is extremely pretty, when properly executed.
Begin with one stitch to form the point, and knit as many rows,
increasing one each row as is required to give you seven loops upon the
pin. You must increase always at the same end: then commence the
pattern. Make one stitch, slip one, and knit two stitches together,
putting the slipped stitch over the two knitted as one. Repeat this
until you have got to four stitches from the end; then again make a
stitch, and knit the remainder plain. The next row is to be done in
pearl stitch, and the succeeding one as the first pattern. Every row of
pearl stitch must be in[119]creased one, and the three last stitches are to
be knitted plain. This handkerchief must be one yard and a quarter long
on the straight side. When completed, fasten off.
Habit Shirt.—These are worn under a shawl, and are extremely
comfortable: they protect the chest from cold. The material most proper
for them is floss wool, and they should be knitted with steel pins. You
knit the front first, and begin by casting on as many loops as will form
the length required. As it is necessary that one end should be a good
deal more sloped than the other, you must be careful to increase at the
end most sloped, at each end of the row; but at the other, you are only
to increase at the end, and not at the beginning: having knitted one of
the fronts, knit the other to match it, and then begin the back.
Commence at the bottom, or narrow part of the waist, and increase at
each end of every row, until it is wide enough to reach from one
shoulder to the other, and then decrease at both ends of each row for
the neck. You then finish the centre stitches, and knit up first on one
side and then the other, decreasing each row, until a proper hollow is
obtained. You then knit the collar straight, and of any depth you
please. Make up, by sewing the various parts together, and set on a
ribbon to the back, to tie round the waist, and another to secure it at
the throat.
Harlequin Quilt, with Tucks.—This is done in double knitting stitch,
with six threads fleecy. The pieces are six inches square. Each square
consists of about 24 stitches, and they are to be sewn together with a
tuft of wool, black or white, at each corner. The square should be
knitted in at least three colors, including white; in a quilt one yard
and a half square, there will be 225 pieces, 113 of which should be
white. Make the tufts as follows: wind four-thread fleecy about 12 times
round a grooved[120] wooden mesh, one inch in width: then slip a coarse
thread in the groove, and tie the wool quite tight, but taking care that
an end is left to it, which can be drawn through and fastened to the
quilt. The loops of wool are to be cut through on the other side of the
mesh; after which it is to be combed and dressed as neatly as possible.
Pattern for a Light Scarf.—Cast on the number of stitches required upon
No. 18 needles, and any kind of material you choose; three-threads
fleecy is generally preferred. Knit one plain stitch, then two together,
and so on alternately, to the end of the row: each succeeding one is but
a repetition of the first: it may be done in stripes, with various
Plain Knitted Muffatees.—For these you will require four needles. On
three of these cast on an equal number of stitches, according to the
size required, and knit each round three pearl and three plain: finish
with one plain and two pearl rows.
Stockings.—Cast on first size 73, second 85, third 91, fourth 99, fifth
109, sixth 133. Then knit rounds to the commencement of the narrowings,
40, 52, 54, 56, 60, and 74, respectively, according to the sizes given
above. The narrowings in the leg are according to the size, 8, 10, 12,
13, 14, and 21. After which you knit 18, 20, 25, 27, 30, or 45 rounds to
the heel, which is to be formed in the following manner. The stitches
are to be divided in half, taking care to have the seam stitch for the
middle, and the heel is to be knitted in alternate turns of plain and
pearled stitches. The length, of course, varies in proportion to the
size, being 12 turns for the first and second, 13 for the third, 14 for
the fourth, 15 for the fifth, and 20 for the sixth. The heel is finished
by knitting the nine middle stitches in rows, the same as the heel, and
taking up one of the others with the last loop of each row,[121] till all is
taken off. There will thus be nine stitches when the heel is finished.
Having got thus far, you proceed to form the foot as follows. You take
up sixteen on each side of the heel, in the second row, and taking them
up, you make a seam on each side of the instep, knitting another stitch
in the loop under the first and last, which prevents holes in the
corners, that would otherwise occur. Then narrow every second round on
the heel sides of the seam until the number of stitches are the same as
those in the instep, or what is commonly called the fore foot needle.
You will have for the instep 28, 32, 34, 40, or 46, as the case may be;
and the rounds between the heel and toe narrowings, will be 14, 18, 23,
26, 30, and 34, respectively; and the narrowings for the feet will be 6,
8, 8, 8, 9, and 10, on each side, according to the measurement given.
You begin the toe by narrowing double at the seams, leaving only the
seam stitch between, and narrowing twice with three, and twice with two
rounds left between each narrowing: then narrow twice, leaving but one
round between, and then every round until sixteen stitches only are
left. Finish by putting the two needles having stitches on them
together. And when two stitches are done in this manner, cast them off,
the first over the last, until the whole is taken off the needles. It
should be noted, that the stitches in the heel vary with the size of the
stocking, and are as follows: first size 29, second 33, third 33, fourth
37, fifth 41, and sixth 45.
Some workers take off the heel, in the same manner as the toe is here
directed to be finished.
Open-work Stockings.—On each needle cast on 52 stitches with fine
cotton, knit the welts and raise one stitch for the seam. When you
arrive at the narrowings, narrow every eighth row, and when you have 38
stitches on each needle, cease, and knit[122] until the article is
completed; then take half the stitches to form the heel, knit 23 loops,
and narrow on each side of the seam for three rows. In forming the heel,
narrow every row once the fourth loop from the seam, and then the loops
must be taken up, the end one as close as possible. Take three stitches
from each side of the fore foot needle to the other, and knit a round
plain; after which, widen every fifth stitch on both sides of the heel.
Alternate rows of the heel needles are then to be narrowed until only 36
loops remain on each. The stitches to be narrowed are the fifth and
sixth from the ends. Knit the feet of a proper length, and then narrow
at the ends of the needles every other row, until only ten remain on
each; narrow every row until you have only three, which you cast off in
the usual manner. The open pattern is produced by knitting every fifth
round thus: take two stitches in one, and bring the cotton in front of
the needle, that it may form a stitch before taking the succeeding two
into one. The more open you desire the work to be, the fewer stitches
and the finer needles you will require.
A Night Stocking.—This is easily done: cast on 54 stitches on large
needles, and pearl every other stitch, narrowing gradually toward the
Socks.—These are very useful articles, and are easy of execution. In
the first size there are 49 stitches, in the second 55, and in the third
85; they have 16, 23, or 24 turns to the heel, in which there are 25,
29, or 43 stitches, as the size may require. The instep has 24, 25, or
42 stitches; and the length of the heel is 10, 12, or 14 turns. The
length of the foot between the narrowings, is 10, 15, and 28 rounds.
Corner for a Shawl.—This, if properly executed, according to the
directions, looks extremely handsome. Begin by casting[123] on two loops, to
form the point; knit them, and proceed as follows. First row, make a
loop, knit the two original ones together, make a loop; you will then
have three loops upon the pin; knit four additional rows in plain and
pearled alternately, increasing a stitch at the beginning and end of
each row, and then on the fifth row you will have eleven stitches. In
the next row commence the pattern thus. Sixth row begin with six plain
stitches, pearl one, knit six plain. Seventh row plain knitting. Eighth
row, knit six plain, pearl one, knit two together, pearl one, knit two
together, pearl one, knit six plain. Ninth row plain. Tenth, knit six
plain, pass the material in front to make a stitch, knit two together,
again make a stitch, pearl three, make a stitch, knit two together, make
a stitch, knit six plain. Eleventh row plain. Twelfth, knit six plain,
knit two together, make a stitch, pearl three, make a stitch, knit two
together, make a stitch, pearl three, make a stitch, knit two together,
knit six plain. Thirteenth row plain. Fourteenth, knit six plain, pearl
three, knit two together, make a stitch, pearl three, knit two together,
pearl three, make a stitch, knit two together, pearl three, knit six
plain. Fifteenth row plain. Sixteenth, knit six plain, knit two
together, make a stitch, pearl three, make a stitch, knit two together,
make a stitch, pearl five, make a stitch, knit two together, make a
stitch, pearl three, make a stitch, knit two together, knit six plain.
Seventeenth row plain. Eighteenth, six plain, pearl three, knit two
together, make a stitch, knit two together, make a stitch, pearl three,
knit five plain, pearl three, make a stitch, knit two together, make a
stitch, knit two together, pearl three, knit six plain. Nineteenth row
plain. Twentieth, knit six plain, knit two together, pearl three, knit
two together, make a stitch, pearl four, make a stitch, knit two
together, make a stitch, pearl three, make a stitch, knit[124] two together,
make a stitch, pearl four, make a stitch, knit two together, pearl
three, knit two together, knit six plain. The twenty-first row is plain,
and you then decrease as you increased, knitting the twenty-second row
as the twentieth, and so proceed until you have two loops on the pin.
The square is then complete.
Border for the Shawl.—Having finished the corner, pick up the
twenty-one stitches on one side, and knit one row plain; the second row,
knit two plain, three pearled, three plain, again pearl three, then
three plain, pearl three, knit four plain. The third row knit plain; the
fourth row, pearl one stitch, knit one, pearl one, knit two together,
make a stitch, pearl three together, knit one, pearl one, knit two
together, make a stitch, pearl four, knit four plain. Fifth row plain.
Sixth row knit one, pearl one, knit one, pearl one, knit two together,
make a stitch, pearl three, knit one, pearl one, knit one, pearl one,
knit two together, make a stitch, knit six plain. Seventh row plain.
Eighth row, same as the sixth. Ninth plain. Tenth as the fourth.
Eleventh plain. Twelfth as the second, repeat the first three rows, and
re-commence the pattern. The shawl must be knitted on the same sized
pins as the border and corner, and must have as many loops as there are
stitches in the length of the border. The border and corner may be done
in two colors, which must harmonize well with each other, and form a
good contrast to the shawl itself.
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